Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Know your performance! The web’s best free SEO tools.

OK, so you did your best to optimize your website, followed all the instructions you could found online, tried out some marketing strategies, added your website to 1001 directories, posted your links on forums, made sure your website is fully crawled… the list goes on and on. But, how do you know how your website is doing SEO wise? One thing is making sure a website is optimized… but making sure that optimization works, is another story. Here you will find the web’s best free online tools that will help you find out how your website is doing SEO wise. Are you eager to find out what they are and what they do? Keep reading for some SEO goodies.

SEO (or Search Engine Optimization, for those who still don’t know what it means) is very tricky: there are a ton of tips, tricks, and optimizations to do, but in the end either they don’t work, or they don’t work as much as you would like it to do so. That’s why millions of websites stay unreachable even after years of being created. This brings us to one big problem beginners have with SEO: they know how to do it (or at least they think they do) but they don’t know how well it’s working. That’s why you need SEO tools that will help you check how well your website is doing. Here are the best six out there:

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a basic requirement for any website. Because SEO is all about ranking higher in search engines, and Google is the most popular search engine, you would think they will provide you with the best detailed information you could find. And they do: everything from page rank to back links. All you need to do is create an account, follow the instructions, and then you will get detailed information about your website.’s SEO analyzer

At you will find one of the best free online SEO analyzers out there. What makes it great is its “sophisticated algorithm that detects how optimized your web design is for search engines”, which basically does the job of SEO companies for you. To find out how well your website is optimized, they check out the design, semantic structure, obsolete HTML, improper use of tables, download size and time, outgoing links, top keywords, among other things.’s Rank Checker and SEO toolbox

SEOmoz has developed a great tool that will show you how your website is ranked at the web’s most popular search engines, like Google, Yahoo, Altavista, etc. This is great if you want to know how your website is ranked, letting you know if there is any room of improvement. They also have tools like a back link checker, a crawl test (to determine how well your website is crawled), a strength tester, among other important SEO related tools.’s back link checker 

While they’re not the only ones who provide a back link test, WeBuildPages probably offers the most accurate and complete back links report. Not only can you see your back links, but you can also check out your competitor’s back links, making it easy to organize your linking strategies.

Xenu Link Sleuth

This tool is very important both for the SEO and reliability of your website. Basically, what this tool does is move around your website looking for anything that shouldn’t be there: from broken links to endless loops, among many other important problems.

SEO for Firefox

You must know about Firefox, right? If you don’t, search for Firefox and you’ll see what you’re missing. If you do, here’s a great Firefox extension that will help you check out how well other people’s websites (or your competitors websites) are doing when it comes to SEO, and collect tons of information from any website, including page rank, back links, age, and much more with a simple right click.

So there you have six great SEO tools to check out how your websites (or your competitors’ websites) are doing. Each one of them is perfect for one task or the other, which is you should use all of them instead of only one.

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